Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Taking Care of Business

I've mentioned previously that I feel a little overwhelmed at the amount of things I have to consider in preparing for life with Mooner.  Although that is still true, I also feel a little bit accomplished every time I get to cross something off the list. Today was one of those days.

Ryan and I have been thinking about the "Great Pediatrician Search" lately.  We did have a couple doctors recommended to us, so we started there. I went in for a visit to the office today and got to meet one of the doctors. I think I really like them.  The 2 doctors are with High Desert Pediatrics.
They have a cute little office that has a bright waiting room, themed exam rooms for the kids, and the friendliest staff I think I've ever encountered in a doctors office.  In the time I was there, it seemed like they were getting patients in and out of appointments at a good rate.  It certainly wasn't overly busy. I appreciated the small-ness and quite atmosphere. It was pretty cozy.

So anyway, one more task to check off the to-do list. Not that there still isn't lots to do, but hey, it's one step at a time, right?

Things are going well otherwise. I went in for some lab work this weekend.  I have yet to hear back about it. But I did drink the flat orange pop stuff to check my glucose tolerance. I think Mooner is a big fan of sugar because he started kicking around like crazy about 10 minutes after I got it in me. As for me, I just got really tired after about 45 minutes.  I guess that's what happens when you spike your system with sugar then let it crash.

More updates coming soon. We're officially in trimester 3!


  1. I am so excited for yall. I also very glad that Uncle Ben was able to come see yall. I cant wait till May so I can come see yall and get to see my baby and his baby together. I get really emotional thinking that this is a major milestone in the life of my first born. As the tears flow I remember how important it was for me to have Steven go through every step with me and to have mom with me. I miss her more now as I know she is looking down on yall and are so proud of Ryan and you. Momma would have loved you so much. She would also be so in love with Mooner. Thanks again for keeping us involved in your pregnancy through this blog and others. I love yall. Hugs and Kisses
    Grammy Jayme

  2. Congrats on making it to you third trimester. I just entered my second. Doing pretty good here despite the fractured hand. And dont worry you will get everything done on your list. The best advice I c an give you is RELAX. these are your last few moments "alone" and you should cherrish them. I love you. Take care.

  3. Gotta love that flat orage pop don't ya? Any results back from the glucose test? I'm sure you're fine with the great weight gain and how you've progressed without any trouble. I'm am so thankful to God for two faithful parents that really, REALLY want this baby and I know will be loved intensely! I can't wait to see you and talk with you and these updates have made a long distance mom smile so much as I hear how you're doing! I see you're a size of a squash right now, however, that boy will be a bouncing basketball when the time comes...I can feel it LOL! Take care of all three of you. As Big as the Universe...Mamaw Becky
