Monday, November 2, 2009

Little Heart Beat

We had our first official appointment today (besides the confirmation one).  And it was awesome. Well, as awesome as a dr. appointment will be.

I'll spare you the details, but basically everything is normal.  I'm a healthy momma and it seems like Baby is healthy  too. It came time to try to hear the heartbeat.  Based on the baby's position, the midwife wasn't sure we would be able to hear it.  But, she gave it a try, and sure enough, there it was!  She said, "This little baby must have wanted to be heard!"  She also said it was a really steady heart beat at 168 beats per minute.  It was like a little train.
It was probably one of the coolest moments in my life.  Ryan got to be there too. It was just amazing to finally hear from that little life inside me. I can't even totally describe.

So yes, very exciting day today.  Heard a little heart, all is normal and healthy...we're havin' a baby!  (P.S. - This new midwife moved the due date up a couple days. So, as of right now it's June 3, but it's still just an estimate at this point)

Also, as promised, the first in a series of tummy pictures.  It's not really showing, I just sort of have kind of a pouch anyway.  But it will surely be growing.

Here's the tummy at 9 and a half weeks

Remember to check back for the next fruit in a few days. Thanks for following, and please keep praying for us and baby.


  1. Thanks for the tummy picture, it will be fun to see how your progress each month. Thanks for humoring your mother LOL! I don't want to miss a thing. Love all three of you:)
    Gma Traxler

  2. I am very thankful for the pictures too because as Ryans mom like Becky we just dont want to miss a minute of this wonderful gift. Thanks so much for sharing with us. I also love all 3 of you. But between the rain and my tears I need an Ark LOL!!!! The tears are of JOY so keep posting.
    Grammy Jayme

  3. my friend angie is about 11 weeks with her second and already showing. she swears by 'belly bands' she said she could wear her regular jeans until she was about 5 months along b/c of them. she'd throw on a belly band and "button" her jeans w/ a rubber band and no one knew the difference! so no need to break out the maternity wear just yet:)
    Jacki :)

  4. You have now heard the first "pitter-patter" Glad they were able to get it at this stage. On our first they checked at 9 weeks and weren't able to find it...heart sinks...then the doc informs us it really isn't a definite thing until 10 weeks, so just come back next week. I go in 2 weeks to hear from our little simply takes your breath away to experience the amazing love and power of God in such a way!
