We've made it to week 11! That means I'm now just over 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy. It's crazy how fast this flies.
You may have noticed that we added a new element to the blog page that follows along with the weekly fruits/veggies. If you haven't, let me point you over to the right hand side of the screen. It's right below Ryan's and my picture. Don't worry, I will still post regularly, but this way you can see it whenever you want.
As you can see, this is lime week. Read below the picture to see what fun and exciting things are going on. I'm pretty excited just for it to be a lime. For one thing, I love limes. And secondly, I think they are much prettier than the previous prune.
I am hoping this week will go nicely though. So far, I've just been really, really tired (more than usual which is hard to believe) and have been fighting some headaches. Nothing really serious though, so I'm doing fine. I'm just trying to make sure I get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids, and those things seem to be helping.
However, I don't think I've ever been so tired of the taste of water. I feel like it's all I drink, day in and day out. I tried to add some flavoring a couple days ago, and that helped some. Because it tasted more like juice, but was still water. So for any of you ladies out there who got tired of water during your pregnancy, if there was anything you did to help you through that, suggestions are much appreciated.
Things are consistently becoming more and more real. I subscribed a while ago to a free baby magazine (American Baby) and just recently got my first issue and "welcome packet." That was pretty fun to look through that stuff. And of course I'm getting books to borrow from ladies at the church. We got a couple more little gifts from the same lady who gave us some clothes earlier. We don't have a nursery yet by any means, but I'm sure by the time this baby gets here, he or she will be set!
I still don't have a big bump, but I think it's starting to get there. I've been able to tell it's not the "just after I ate pooch." It doesn't really go away, so I'm thinking that I'm starting to look like an expecting mommy, at least just a little.
Fun things going on. It just keeps getting more and more exciting. I'll be sure to keep you posted as we find out more.
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