Wednesday, November 11, 2009

He or She?

No, I'm not going to tell you which (at least in this post). Mostly because I don't know. :)

I just stop by here from time to time to check any feedback.  I always find it interesting to look at the girl or boy poll.  Although it has from time to time been a tie, and almost always very close, it does seem like the girl option is usually ahead. It just gets me to thinking: Do our readers tend to like girls more?  Do girls tend to make better first children?   I guess mostly I just find it an interesting trend.

Ryan and I both have our thoughts of which it will be, but I won't divulge those until later, so you'll just have to stay tuned.

Also speaking of polls though, I appreciate the input that has been given regarding where to register.  I'm still not totally sure when to begin said registry, but I think we have a pretty good idea of where we'll go.  So, thanks!

Also just an update.  Since going to the doctor, I haven't had any more "heat attacks" as I have come to call them.  Besides just being really tired (I feel like I could sleep all day sometimes) I've been doing quite well.  So thanks for all of your prayers, and for those of you who have checked up on me.  It really means a lot.

New fruit coming soon! So hopefully we'll see you back in a little bit.  :)  Blessings.

1 comment:

  1. I still say one of each. TWINS yay yay. I know I hear Ryan all the way here without a phone lol. Boy or girl doesnt matter to Grammy Jayme as long as that precious bundle is happy and healthy. I love the 3 or 4 of you.
    Grammy Jayme
