Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Don't Normally Like Prunes, but...

I'm a couple days late, sorry about that.  I've actually been having some minor not so fun adventures, but I'll talk about that in a minute.

Anyway, at week 10, we've grown baby to prune size.

We've made it over an inch now.  It's hard to believe that just a month and a half ago this little one was just the size of a poppyseed.  Cool things happening this week are the development of cartilage and bone, and vital organs are also starting to function.  It will be interesting to hear about the development coming up soon, because baby's gonna get growing pretty fast now.  I don't want to give away too much, so you'll have to keep coming back.  But it should be fun!

Back to the minor adventures...
I don't think that word actually fits it, but I can't think of anything better.  Anyway, over the past couple of days, I've had 3 super intense "hot flashes."  LIke my whole body feels like I have a fever, my skin is all wet and clammy, and then I feel pretty faint or lightheaded.  It's pretty scary.  It happened twice today, the second time at the church where I was volunteering at our Saturday night coffee house.  I was just feeling too weird and with it happening multiple times, I had Ryan take me to the doctor.
It turns out that they are just hot flashes that go along with pregnancy.  I couldn't really believe it.  But I guess that about 10% of women get symptoms like that.

With that, we are grateful that I am healthy, which means baby is too.  I really thought it might have been something more serious, so it's good to know that it's not.  On the other hand, I'm a little disappointed that there is nothing I can really do.  These "hot flashes" are pretty scary; there are times I feel like I might pass out.  So I guess I would just ask for prayer that these don't stick around very long.  Or at the very least that they don't stay this intense. The good part is though, they aren't very long in duration.
So that's my story of pregnancy at 10 weeks.  It's one of the not so fun things, but again, we are grateful that things are normal and healthy.  God's watching out for all 3 of us. Thanks for all your prayers.


  1. Baby girl I am so sorry you are having a rough time. You and the baby are in our prayers here in Louisiana. Thanks again for these updates. Cant wait to see what the next week holds. Take it easy!!!
    hugs and kisses,
    Grammy Jayme

  2. So it made me giggle that you started this blog with
    "so I'm a few days late". Hmmm, think we may have
    already picked up on that. :p So glad we can go
    though this journey (at least a little bit) with you.
    Sending our thoughts and prayers!

