Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's a Boy!

Congrats to those of you who guessed boy on the poll.  You were right!  And just to let you know, that's what Ryan and I were thinking too.  For those of you who guessed girl, maybe next time. :)

Mooner was definitely more shy at this appointment, but we finally got him to show us his little self. We probably tried for about 10 minutes. I had to roll over like 3 times, cough... oh man. I was worried this little one was going to keep us guessing.  But then he finally moved his hands, rolled over, and let us see him.  So exciting. We're having a boy!!

Here is Mooner from the belly shot. The lighting is a little weird, but you can see my face this time. (just for Janet) :)  At 21 weeks (banana week this week) it's hard to believe we're over halfway there.  Speaking of that, the due date according to the ultrasound ladies is May 31st.  It's going to be here faster than I know it. Time has already flown by.

Here are a few more ultrasound pictures for you.

The first one is a nice up close shot of Mooner's face. He's a handsome little thing if you ask me. Maybe I'm biased. The 2nd photo is another face shot. It's not 3D, but it's still pretty clear. The last one is a couple shots of his little feet. So cute!
Everything is healthy. Mooner has been growing really well. We have a good heartbeat at 142 bpms.  There are a few very minor things that the ultrasound doc is wanting to check up on again in a few weeks. So we go in again on March 1st for another ultrasound just to make sure all is still going well. I'm just happy to have another chance to see Mooner.

For those of you who may be wondering, Mooner is not going to be the baby's name, but we're leaving it as a nickname for now.  You can blame it on me, since I want to keep something secret. So, we will not be revealing the name until Mooner is born.  So I guess you'll just have to stay tuned. :)

We did set up registries today at Babies R Us and Target.  You can find them online if you want to check them out. I know I mentioned before that we were thinking about doing a safari theme for the nursery. Well, Ryan really liked the idea of a sports theme since we're having a boy.  I'm happy to say, we found a perfect compromise.

We found the "Team Safari" theme at Babies R Us and got pretty excited.  I get my safari, and Ryan gets his sports.  Good deal.

Big day today. I'm glad to have some things done and taken care of.  And I'm really glad to know about my baby boy.  We're just praying that everything continues to go smoothly. Can't wait to meet him!


  1. Yes indeed he is handsome!!! Im so in love with Mooner!! Love the team safari theme. Rachel you look amazing!!!! Keep us updated. Love ya Grammy Jayme

  2. Congrats on your BOY! So exciting. I love the bedding too!

  3. What an awesome find with that bedding! :) It is so cute.
    Congrats on your baby boy! 10 weeks seems so long to wait to see our baby again but I'm sure it will fly!
    It is SO FUN to have friends pregnant with me! :)

  4. That is a great set!! Soo excited for you!

  5. Thanks Rach. :) I am working on a special project for Mooner. Which team is Ryans favorite? (don't worry I won't forget your fav college team () )

  6. Well, depending on the sport...Baseball is his favorite, and he likes the Atlanta Braves. If you want football, it's the Saints, and college is LSU...but purple and gold don't go well with scarlet & gray. :)

  7. That is a super cute theme. I love it! It looks perfect :)
    Congrats again.
