Friday, April 16, 2010

What to Say?

Sorry it's been a couple weeks. I feel like we're sort of getting to the point where there isn't much to report. We've been going in for our bi-weekly appointments, and everything is right on track and healthy.  Next time I'm going to ask and see if our midwife has a rough weight estimate for us.  According to measurements, my uterus is on the large side of normal at 35 cm at 33 weeks.

I feel like Mooner is getting bigger every single day. I see this week, it's entirely possible that he's grown a whole inch!  And he's supposedly gaining 1/2 lb each week from here on out.
Unfortunately, I still have no outie to show for any of this growth, but I feel like my stretch marks have stretch marks.  I'd rather have a popped belly button, but oh well.

I have to get some pictures taken. Sorry I'm a little behind on that lately.  Hopefully the next post will come with and updated belly bump and some nursery pictures.  We will at least have the furniture up.
I'm excited because next weekend I get my first baby shower! I'm pretty pumped to start getting stuff to fill Mooner's room.

Personally, I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to be done being pregnant. It's harder to move, sleep, breathe, etc...  Don't get me wrong. I have loved this experience, but I'm ready to carry my son in my arms. So, for my sake, please be praying this little one doesn't come late!


  1. I wouldn't wish being late on anyone! Sophie was 9 days overdue! Glad to hear all is well.

  2. I'm hoping you're on time and I don't get there before Mooner does. So don't try too hard to get things started 'til I get there, OK??? I'm sure it's hard to sleep now, use lots of pillows :D I can't wait too come out there! Love MOM (Mooner's Mamaw)
