Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow Day Cookies

For most of January, we've seen weather in the 40s and 50s. Not that I've minded, but I've really been looking forward to seeing Ian enjoy snow this winter.
As if to answer my wish, God sent us some beautiful snow! Lots of it too, and I'm quite excited. However, at a mere 19 degrees (Yesterday was 54!) I thought it best to keep my little guy warm inside.  This doesn't mean we didn't have fun though.
After his nap today, Ian helped me make Snow Day Cookies!

Of course, above you only see pictures of the finished product, but there was quite a bit of fun in the baking process.

As Mommy was mixing the batter, Ian figured he would contemplate the cookie topping. Sprinkles look pretty good.  I rolled out the cookies, and Ian figured he would help me decorate. I won't explain...just watch. :D

After that snafu, we got a batch baked, and Ian could finally eat his cookie. (Can you tell which one was his from the first set of pictures. p.s. - It isn't the really big one). I thought he would shove the whole thing in his mouth like he typically does with cookies. He sure surprised me.
He started picking the sprinkles off the cookie! I guess he really liked those sprinkles! After he got them off, he decided to poke at the cookie. Haha. Silly guy.

Although I've made quite a few cookies in my time, I don't know if I've had this much fun doing so in a long time. When you have a 1 1/2 year old as your assistant, I suppose he will make everything more enjoyable. I think sprinkle face had fun with it too. :D

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Great Battle of the Nap

I know this video is dark, but let me set the stage for you. Right now, Ian is supposed to be laying down for his nap. You are looking at his door. Hopefully you can hear a little bit of the activity of what's going on inside. This little boy is a trip.  Enjoy...

This is probably the 5th time I've caught him out of bed at nap time.  Oh, the times of transitioning from a crib to a toddler bed. I tell you's something else. I have to keep reminding myself not to laugh at his antics, thus reinforcing his nap evasion behavior. It is kind of funny though to see what he tries to come up with to fight off sleep.

I will say though, that last night went better than the first night. The first night, between the hours of 4 and 6:30 am, Ian decided he wanted to get out of bed every 10-20 minutes and run into Mommy and Daddy's room.  Daddy finally camped out with him, because he wouldn't stay in bed any other way.  Last night, we put him down around 9 pm, and didn't hear a peep from his little pitter pattering feet until almost 9:30 this morning!  
I'm just hoping nap time today doesn't reflect what tonight is going to look like.

The joys of parenting - even with all these "battles", I wouldn't have it any other way.