Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Fun

I realize I'm a little late on this, but we had quite a bit of fun this Halloween season.

Our little pumpkin hit up 2 trunk or treats (yes, I spelled that right) and the city's Safe Halloween. He has more candy than any 17 month old would ever know what to do with!

He loved playing the trunk or treat games.  Especially the washer one; he kept going back again and again.

Now the trick is, keeping him from eating way too many treats. I have to find all these new and innovative ways to hide the basket. Ian sniffs it out like a pro!

On a different note - I've been trying to do much better with taking pictures, so hopefully I'll be more consistent with posting Ian's Antics. He's an active little boy, so I won't promise posts every day or anything, but I'm at least aiming for more than once a month. :-)